I think most bakers anticipate the holiday season with both excitement and dread. Excitement because the holidays mean we make fun seasonal products and because the energy of the whole season is contagious. Dread because making seasonal products simply means making and doing more. Give bakers a hug during this time of year. We are usually working long hours!

But it is seasons like this that remind me of the reasons I love to bake professionally. Putting a pie on your Thanksgiving table gives me joy. It’s a treat to make the only naturally leavened stollen in town. I love imagining all of your gatherings with our holiday cookies present. So thank you, Baker’s FIeld customer, for choosing to add us to your holiday tables. 

Here’s what we’re mixing up for you this Thanksgiving: three varieties of 9-inch pies. First, a classic apple pie that is made all the more special because we cook down the apple peels and cores, and use the juice they create in the pie. Second, a cranberry pie. Yes, you read that right: a cranberry pie with no other fruit present. We think this pie is special. It’s both tart and sweet, and the texture is a delight. Last, our honey pie, made with Skinny Jake’s honey. Some of Skinny Jake’s hives sit on the roof of our building! The honey pie is custard-like, and that honey flavor shines.

As always, we’re also making our classic squash rolls. We roast real squash for these babies. The squash gets added to the dough, along with sourdough starter, maple syrup, and butter. They are soft, flavorful, and definitely should be present at your Thanksgiving.

You can order ALL of these items online. Or, feel free to stop by Kieran’s Kitchen here in Northeast to place an order in person. We’ll have pickup available for Tuesday and Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Email us at contact@bakersfieldflour.com with any questions!

--Baker Hannah