A 2 day class on baking naturally leavened bread from start to finish - learning the how's and why's of milling our own flour through the processes of mixing, shaping and baking. Day 1 will be at the wholesale production facility of Baker's Field Flour & Bread in FOOD BUILDING while Day 2 will be at the Kingfield Neighborhood Outdoor Oven (Behind the Center for Performing Arts at 3754 Pleasant Ave).
Throughout Day 1, the students will learn about the levain culture (the first step in all of our doughs) as well as how to mix doughs by hand, the importance of time and temperature and how they affect fermentation, and also basic shaping techniques. The class will run from 1pm to approximately 4pm. That evening, the students are welcome to attend a pizza party at the Outdoor Oven held by the Neighborhood Association.
For Day 2, we will meet at the oven site
at 9:30am to bake the bread that was made the day before. It will last roughly two hours; in which time the students will be able to score their bread and load it into the oven to bake. The class is over once the bread is baked. Students are welcome to stay and chat while other loaves are baking or they can head home to enjoy their freshly made bread.
Reserve your tickets here.